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Maut To Naam Se Badnaam Hui Warna - Online Urdu Poetry


Maut To Naam Se Badnaam Hui Warna - Online Urdu Poetry

मृत्यु केवल नाम में बदनाम है
दुख भी जीवन देता है

Maut To Naam Se Badnaam Hui Warna - Online Urdu Poetry

We are all part of the society. None of us can deny the fact that while living in the society, we may face difficulties in our lives. Over time, we may also become frustrated when you also face such problems. When faced with a situation, you have to deal with social poetry that conveys the necessary message. We are impressed by reading some inspiring things. In this way, the feelings of hopelessness disappear. Sometimes it happens that we live.

 Are going through important stages and over time we need some inspiration and revolution in our lives. We can do all this by accessing published poetry that revolutionizes our lives. In this regard, we cite the excellent example of Allama Iqbal's poetry. Allama Iqbal is very famous for his inspiring poems that you have written in the subcontinent. Most of his writings for the people who lived in a world of extreme despair. 

His poems revolutionized the lives of the people as he stood up for his freedom. Many times during exams, students also show depression and lose hope. So in that case I have to do it for some motivational publication for the students And if we want to achieve your goals.  And if we want to keep ourselves in the right direction, we must be active in deeds.maut-naam-badnaam-takleef-zindagi


                                  GOOD MANNERS

A good society is formed only when the essential characteristics of a good person can be seen in all the proportions of the desires that are present in it which are due to it and their good and bad deeds for external affairs. Depends on life. Only a good man can make a good society which is due to him. It is for man that without him this society is incomplete. Economically, it is a good society based on its character. Only when there is peace on all sides is it possible to have a good society that has a positive effect on his thinking. Maut To Naam Se Badnaam Hui Warna - Online Urdu Poetry

When a society has good morals, our people often have the impression that he will treat someone well until then. Don't even try until they see any hope or benefit from someone. If you look at it seriously, it's a very wrong impression and a very wrong thing that can have a very bad effect on their . They should be entertained in every possible way. maut-naam-badnaam-takleef-zindagi.Social evil can be eradicated from a good society, but if we try to do it by following it, it can be done in the right way. By doing good deeds in this regard, we can create a peaceful and pleasant environment.Maut To Naam Se Badnaam Hui Warna - Online Urdu Poetry

When a person faces various sorrows and troubles in life, it puts him in a situation that makes him very sad and changes everything. His life is strange. It keeps him in various troubles. It has no effect. It makes him even weaker. Fear takes him far behind. In fact, he is very afraid of what he likes to do. Maut To Naam Se Badnaam Hui Warna - Online Urdu Poetry

And smiling is like being angry with her life no one wants to be with her but when she is in love with someone then many of her memories as well as her feelings and emotions come to her We are persuaded by the fact that he goes too far in the madness of fidelity. The decisions of destiny are also very strange which show man what he never thought he would do. We never discuss our destiny.Maut To Naam Se Badnaam Hui Warna - Online Urdu Poetry


Because it is not in our power. There are many people in the world who are very happy with their destiny, but there are also some people who are lucky. They cry because they are not happy with their fate at all. No one can complain about destiny in it. We should emphasize that we should move towards success. Love and loyalty are great things and it is very difficult to fulfill them. If a person intends, he can do even the greatest work, but if a person loses courage, it also kills his emotions and it also deprives him of the motivation to work. Emotions kept him alive  Maut To Naam Se Badnaam Hui Warna - Online Urdu Poetry

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