We want everyone to have equal access to knowledge forever
Consider making a donation to the Wikimedia Foundation, the nonprofit organization that supports Wikipedia and other important knowledge projects for free.
Each year, we are able to extend the reach of free knowledge to new corners of the world thanks to the 2% of readers who support our mission. If Wikipedia is important and useful to you as well, join them and donate Rs 500, 1500, 4000 or whatever you think is appropriate today.
Wikipedia is different. No ads, no subscription fees, no paywalls.These don't belong here. Wikipedia is a place of learning, free from prejudice and patterns. Today we invite you to deposit money. Show the world that you care about access to independent and unbiased information.
There are a million species threatened with extinction.More than any other creature, birds tell us where and how to make the biggest changes; they are nature's early warning system. We want everyone to have equal access to knowledge forever
Your donation can:
Protect 726 globally threatened bird species through the work of the BirdLife partnership.
- Save 2,000 of the world's most important natural sites, including 2 million hectares of the world's largest rainforest. Inspire over 10 million people around the world to support BirdLife's
- conservation efforts. The next ten years are crucial; Join a global community of people who care about birds and their conservation.Thank you for being with us, together we are a force of nature
- for the planet and the future. In the United States, the Bureau of Labor Statistics found in 2007 that US households in the lowest wealth quintile, on average, donated a higher percentage of their
- income to charity than households in the top quintile.[2] Charity Navigator writes that according to Giving USA, Americans donated $298 billion in 2011 (about 2% of GDP).[3] Most of the
- donations came from private individuals (73%), followed by legacies (approx. 12%), foundations (2%) and just under 1% from
companies. The largest giving sector was religious organizations (32%), followed by education (13%).Giving has increased 3 out of every 4 years since 1971 (with occasional dips in recession years).[3]
Blackbaud reports that online donations in the United States increased 11% in 2012 over the previous year. In 2012, the share of all online fundraisers was around 7%. That number is up from 6% in 2011 and is nearing an all-time high of 8% since 2010 as online donations surged in response to the Haiti earthquake relief effort. Steve MacLaughlin notes in the report that "the internet has now become the preferred donor channel for disaster relief and other
- The 2015 Blackbaud Charitable Giving Report found that online giving increased by 9% compared to 2014. Additionally, online donations accounted for 7% of all fundraising, 14% of all
- online donations made through mobile devices. Donations made as part of the international online donation day #GivingTuesday increased by 52% compared to the previous year. We want
- everyone to have equal access to knowledge forever
In Australia, statistics are provided annually by the Australian Revenue Service (ATO) in the form of detailed tables detailing each tax return line by sex, age, income and state/territory. In Australia, individuals file a tax return based on their personal income level and source(s).Unlike other Western jurisdictions, tax returns cannot be filed as a couple or as a family, and there are no standard gift deductions.
The latest year of available data (2019-2020) includes summer bushfires in Australia and the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. In 2019-20, 14.9 million Australians filed a tax return and 4.3 million declared a donation to an organization eligible as a Deductible Donor (DGR).[6] The total amount of donations made and declared as tax-deductible donations in Australia in 2019-20 was US$3.85 billion (up from US$3.93 billion the previous year). This represented a decrease of 2.11%, or $83 million, from revenue a year earlier.The average tax-deductible donation to DGR reported by Australian taxpayers in 2019-2020 was $886.75 (up from $933.20 the previous year). That's a drop of 4.98%.We want everyone to have equal access to knowledge forever
It should be noted that the ATO data does not represent all donations at all, but is limited to the GDR payments made by individual taxpayers. Also, not all gifts are reclaimed due to an oversight or a conscious decision not to reclaim them. In general, people whose income comes from an annuity (personal pension scheme) do not have to pay taxes or file declarations, so their donations are not counted. Also, the figures do not include donations from
trusts or corporations, or donations from overseas non-Australian taxpayers. The ATO record also excludes other forms of donation, such as B. (voluntary) time or goods worth less than $5,000.
If you've been on Wikipedia in the last 24 hours, you've probably noticed a dramatic black and yellow banner pasted across your screen: "DEAR READERS OF WIKIPEDIA," which begins in capital letters - before moving on to a desperate plea for money to a long paragraph.We want everyone to have equal access to knowledge forever
The technician is not your friend. We are. Sign up for the Tech Friend newsletter. Banner
announces the start of the Wikimedia Foundation's December fundraiser, an annual Internet tradition as believable as year-end letters and April Fool's jokes.This year, WMF -- the non-profit organization that manages Wikipedia.org -- hopes to raise $25 million to keep the site "online and growing." If you're reading this, you can bet that if you don't donate, the 7th largest website in the world could fail. We want everyone to have equal access to knowledge forever
In fact, it couldn't be further away
People come up to me during fundraising season and ask if Wikipedia is in trouble," said Andrew Lih, associate professor of journalism at American University and author of The Wikipedia Revolution."I have to assure you that not only is Wikipedia not in trouble, but it's making more money than ever and is in no danger of going away."
If you have any doubts, plz let me know